- WWRA Vice President George Knudtzon attended the 14 January meeting of the PACNORWEST Submarine Heritage Committee. There were approximately 20 attendees including representatives from COMSUBGRU 9, Trident Refit Facility, Trident Training Facility, Strategic Weapons Facility, Naval Undersea Museum Keyport, Bremerton Naval Museum, NW Navy Submarine League, PWD Subase Bangor, Naval Construction Battalion Unit 418, WWII SUBVETS, US SUBMARINE VETERANS Inc(USSVI) and WWRA. There have been five previous meetings with little results as many of the players were transferred, etc. However this meeting established a formal group with a clear mission and goals.
- Movement of the Woodrow Wilson SSBN624 Sail, Rudder and missile hatch from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard via barge up to delta piers at Navsubase Bangor was delayed a week. It is now expected to arrive on Friday January 23rd.
- CAPT Jack Francis, CSG9 Chief of Staff, provided the opening remarks that included full support of the project by RADM Sullivan and others.
- CAPT Denny Wheeler, CSG9 Deputy Chief of Staff for Readiness and Training is still involved with the committee.
- An initial drawing of the site concept was presented (copy on the WWRA Web Site). This is an overhead view and there is currently a side view being worked up now which will show a better perspective.
- Final completion and dedication is scheduled for April 2000 to coincide with the Submarine Service 100th birthday.
- A display center (museum type with photos, memorabilia, etc.) will be established inside the Trident Training Facility.
- The initial Engineering Design Proposal has not been completed yet. When that is completed, hopefully by the next meeting, Subase will conduct and Envioronmental Impact Study (EIS). All the existing trees on the site must be removed and new drainage provided, etc. No work will be done on the site until the EIS is completed.
- The Woodrow Wilson Sail and Rudder should be in place by late summer 98, assuming no delays caused by the EIS. There is some discussion on whether the missile tube will be part of the display, or in another location near TTF. If we have our reunion in the fall of 99, most of the work will be completed.
- Funding is a major concern. Initial estimates are about $250K, but a lot depends on the final design. The local JAG is still going through the maze of regulations affecting the project. However, some things are clear. Maximum donation from any single group is $10K, but there may be a way around that. For example, if the program is established as a series of specific projects, the $10K limit may apply to each project. Navy funds are severly limited, but some funding may be obtained for specific projects. The comittee is emphatic that all funding be done legally.
- Initially, two subcommittees were established: (1) Fund Raising/Advertising (2) Heritage Park. We are on the Fund Raising/Advertising subcommittee headed by Ed Ferris. More subcommittees will be established as the committee gets more organized. there may be a need for more WWRA folks to participate in these groups.
- JAG will develop the documents to formalize the organization as a non-navy group to allow for outside funding, etc.
- Regular scheduled meetings were established to be on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1000 except for the next meeting which is on Feburary 18th due to previously scheduled CSG9 activity.
- CAPT Wheeler and Master Chief Burson plan to attend the next WWRA breakfast Board of Directors meeting in 2 weeks to meet our group.
- The committee is open to any suggestions on displays, funding, etc. Anyone with ideas submit them via email to Suggestion.
- The Forty One for Freedom monument will be a part of the overall "Submarine Heritage Park." Other submarine data, memorabilia, photos, etc. will be included as part of the display inside TTF. This will include material from the old Diesel Boats to the Trident Boats.
- Our Web Site will maintain updated information after the meetings each month. Stay tuned.
Deterrent Park Status 10/98
Although typical Northwest Fall weather has slowed some progress in preparing the ground, we are still on schedule. The foundation for the sail should be completed the end of October and the WW sail is scheduled for relocation about mid-November. We are working on a plan to move the sail using a military helicopter to save time and money. If that works, we will have a photo in the next WWRA newsletter. (We’ll have a photo anyway, but moving it by air will be more exciting.) Brick sales are progressing, but not enough to fund all the construction planned for the next few months. So far about 325 bricks have been sold; 130 to WWRA members and families. We are still a long way from the 6000 needed to fill the Missile Deck. Planned national advertising and promotion will help greatly, but that seems to be slow in developing. To those that have ordered bricks, thank you very much! Your support is greatly appreciated. For those that haven’t yet, break out that checkbook! Don’t forget, you can order bricks for your time on other boats, family members and others. We have many dedicated to wives, children, parents and grandparents. These can also go in the WW section. Our goal is to have 500 bricks in the Woodrow Wilson section. We previously had a deadline of the end of September to get the WW section filled. We did get a lot of orders in September, but, obviously, not enough. So, no more deadlines. Please get your orders in as soon as possible. Other ships and organizations are requesting blocks for their members, and I don’t know how long we can keep our space before we have to give up some room. Also, for those of you associated with wealthy companies, the PNWSHA can accept large corporate donations. Special recognition will be given for donations of $10,000 or more. Shake the trees! We need the money to complete this worthwhile project. Your WWRA fully supports this project with time, money and other activities. In addition to the $500 check we presented at the groundbreaking ceremony in May, one-dollar from the sale of each WW hull piece is donated to Deterrent Park construction. We are still on schedule to have our own WWRA dedication of the Woodrow Wilson replica during the 1999 Reunion. By then the sail will be in place and painted, the hull completed and bricks laid. The WW ship’s bell is being relocated from SWFPAC to COMSUBGROUP NINE, and will be mounted on the sail for special ceremonies, including ours. During our dedication we will toll the bell for each departed shipmate.
Your Shipmate, George N. Knudtzon
- - Excavation, clearing and fill------------------------------- Complete
- - Sail foundation completion--------------------------------- 30 Oct 98
- - Sail move and placement----------------------------------- 15 Nov 98
- - Install fairwater planes/ masts-----------------------------25 Nov 98
- - Final sail painting----------------------------------------------30 Nov 98
- - Landscaping completion-------------------------------------May 99
- - Park and sail lighting installation--------------------------30 Oct 99
- - Turtleback brick work compeletion-----------------------Sep 99
- - Park dedication-------------------------------------------------Apr 00
- - Additional brick work and walkways----------------------TBD
- - Rudder placement plan---------------------------------------TBD
- - Missile hatch placement plan-------------------------------TBD
- - 41 for Freedom Memorial plan-----------------------------TBD
- Congressman Norm Dicks has agreed to accept a Co-Chairman position.
- Our Web Site will maintain updated information after the meetings each month. Stay tuned.

Deterrent Park Photos