Orders from the ship's store may now be placed with a credit card on Pay Pal or on-line by completing and submitting the linked order form. All checks for items purchased from the ship's store should be made payable to WWA and sent to:
P.O. Box 666
Seabeck, WA. 98380
When completing the order form ensure you have the box checked for a specific item and specify the quantity you want. The Extended Price is the Quantity times the Unit Price. Ensure you fill in the Total Price for the order. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.
SSBN 624 Plank Owner Hat
Silver Dolphins
WWH01 $14.00 S&H Incl.
SSBN 624 Plank Owner Hat
Gold Dolphins
WWH02 $14.00 S&H Incl.
SSBN 624 Hat
Silver or Gold Dolphins
WWH04 $14.00 S&H Incl.
SSBN 624 Plank Owner Hat
Silver Dolphins
WWH05 $14.00 S&H Incl.
Polo Shirt Embroidered Dark Blue, Pocket $24 Each |
Mug $13 Each White ONLY
Ratchet Belt Chrome Buckle $24 Each |