Just contact us by email. Tell us what you want in a website or why you think you need one. I will help you get the domain name you want, let you know what kind of site you might want. All at no cost to you at this point. In fact you pay nothing until you are satisfied with your site online
We bill once a year for you hosting fee and when you domain name is renewed. The week between Christmas and New Years. The last week of the year gives you a chance to claim the payment on your taxes for that year. The December billing is for hosting for the next year.
After your websites is complete we only charge a small amount for hosting for the rest of that year. Normally your max charge for any one year will be $79.
We used to offer discounts to military and police organizations. Since we have gone to a free website service there is no longer a need or even a way to offer discounts.
Yes. You pay only $65 a year for hosting on my server and $14 for renewing your domain name. Barring any changes to your website you will only pay $79 a year.
Yes, we offer several different photo album themes. These photo albums are somewhat limited to size however. We offer a full on unlimited photo hosting service for just $20 a year. See that explanation next.
For just $20 a year we will host all of your photos, unlimited. Along with this hosting comes a complete, full service, online hosting album that shows all your photos in album folders of your choice. It is really a good deal and only available to clients that host their website(s) with us.
No, we operate on trust. You may quit at anytime. There is, however, no refund on monies already paid. Since we auto renew your domain name, you would need to pay off that as you leave or Websites By Cook family. We will also help you get your domain name transferred where you want it.
Yes, you can have as many domain names as you want. We will point each domain name where ever you want it. Some of our clients have several domain names that all point to the same site. There is no cost for this service other than the cost of each domain name. $14/