1. What is alchemy?
2. Where did alchemy start?
3. How is alchemy connected to Nature?
4. How is alchemy connected to Astrology?
5. How is alchemy connected to Religion?
6. How are the religions of today connected?
7. Why do you use an egg?
8. What and why is the pyramid involved?
9. What does the stone of Philosophy do?
10. What is the goal of your book?
1. What is Alchemy? When starting my search to understand I read that alchemy was the search for the Philosophers Stone. A Magic Substance said to be able to turn lead to gold, and confer long life and health to those that found it. Most alchemists of today work in a lab, however, the ancients said to “Study nature.” They also called those that worked in a lab, “puffers.” I never could understand that if the way of the stone was through the lab, why would those of the past laugh and call them puffers? I studied nature. The year, seeds, shape, compost, the garden, just all I could see and observe outside. I studied cycles, of seeds, of the year, etc. I didn’t know why, but I felt alchemy was about something man had overlooked, and nature outside held the key.
2. Where did alchemy start? Much of what I read and studied came from alchemists from France, or England, the European countries we know of. I studied Flamel, and he stated it came from the pagans, though they kept it very secret! I understood the pagans to be from Africa, Egypt, that area, and I wasn’t sure of the time. I did though connect the pyramids to the process of the stone. Not for any reason, I saw the design within alchemical writings and so felt, as it was a mystery, perhaps there was a connection. In one book I read Flamel had placed a pyramid over his wife’s grave! Strange for a man from France to do that in his time (1400‘s). There must be a reason. But the past kind of disappears around 00 AD, and so what and how to search? How is nature connected to ancient Egypt? How is nature connected to a lab process, and how is it connected to alchemy?
3. How is alchemy connected to Nature? My original studies because of the complicated material became about Genesis, and the Emerald Tablet. Both creation epics. The past Masters said, “Genesis was the greatest book ever written about alchemy,” strange and a puzzle to me. Also, the tablet was a creation epic, why a connection to the creation and alchemy? What could it mean? What does the creation have to do with nature and the process of the stone. Flamel had a set of tablets with his work, said to be the process and way of the stone. I picked them because he had his work with another alchemists called, “Abraham the Jew.” The two sets of tablets gave me something to compare, like the tablet and Genesis. In those tablets of Abraham, I found astrological symbols and in time found a 16 month process done outside. Flamels work was a copy of Abrahams, though the tablets of his were drawn different. I found that Genesis was about the yearly cycle, and the six days of the creation was based on the cycle of the moon. The earth was created and recreated every year based on that six month process, in the northern hemisphere, and then in the southern. The two cycles give us 12 days and a year. Genesis became a repeated process that recreated the earth every year. The tablet when understood contained the same information.
4. How is alchemy connected to Astrology? I found the hidden symbols in the alchemical process. It was about nature and Genesis throughout the year. Genesis was repeated. The alchemists said “to turn the wheel again.” I found the process of the stone was the same process of Genesis in creation of the earth! But, Genesis was repeated in the process. It was like compost done outside, but the compost was again subjected to the process, each time it was further purified. I found that the astrological constellation tied to the process had word definitions tied to them. Those definitions described what was happening in the process of the stone, and so I found alchemy and the process defined the constellations. One must realize that the process was found, and then the astrological symbols were connected. I realized Genesis was from ancient Egypt! They studied nature and found how they believed God had made the world. They didn’t assume or make anything up, they used what was here and only made a process whereby matter was purified. That purified matter became today the stone! That purified matter gave us Genesis proved, astrology, and the way of the stone. To the ancients it gave them God, and the belief the process was tied to man and his matters during life, and after death. It eventually led to organized religion and what we have today.
5. How is alchemy connected to religion? The process defined Genesis and how the ancients believed the world was made by God. Why is because the process worked! The process defined Astrology and connected the “All” to the stone. The “All” is everything outside. Time, shape, matter, light and dark, hot and cold, etc. The purified matter was “Perfect.” They believed that perfection came from the lights, (why the light is good in Genesis) and that God had placed a part of himself in the light. This is why they worshiped the sun, but that “Good Part,” not the whole sun! The process of the stone, the 16 months became the religion of Osiris to them. All the holidays, the times, those things that happened to Osiris are the same things that happened to the matters of the stone as it was purified in the below. The 16 months of the stone is the 16 months of the celebration of the religion of Osiris. I call this the overlap! It is why alchemy was so hard to solve or understand, the process was folded in the tablets, as is the process of Osiris is folded from one year to the next. In Abraham, the seven tablets are folded, and tablets 1-2-and 3, are also 8-9- and 10. The process starts with and is connected to the movement of the sun, and finishes in April the following year. April is important to the stone, to Osiris, and to Jesus Christ. All were finished or resurrected at that time. All became perfect, or God like and resurrected to heaven. The stone by process is finished in what you will understand as being in heaven. There the stone joined with the sun, or anciently, the eye of Horus. All this I can prove beyond any doubt using the work of Sir Wallace Budge, and a man Gerald Massey, who also spent his life in Egypt!
6. How are the religions of today connected? The process of the stone became the religion of Osiris. The religion of Osiris has been compared to Jesus to some extent. There are many times and holidays the same. The stone you will find is exactly the same! The times, the symbols, how celebrated and why, all the same. The stone and the process though, has never been known by modern man! Like astrology, first the process was found, and the constellations named and defined. Same with Osiris. First the process, then astrology, then Osiris. Now, same with Jesus Christ. It cannot be a coincidence that all the times and dates and celebrations can be the same, and is just an accidental happening. The one is copied from the other, is copied from the other. Our religions of today are from this process of perfection found by early man and what he believed from that find. Those understandings have been changed and modified by those of the last 2 thousand years until the past was believed lost. I simply found it with my 35 year hobby. All of the past is our heritage, and all today need to know of it and understand it. This understanding explains everything of the past, every mystery, every thing that was hidden or destroyed or taken and changed from them to make it new and different and a way to control modern man.
7. Why do I use an egg? Long ago I read from an alchemists “to study the egg and its parts.” I found in the creation of ancient Egypt that “The Great Cackler” laid an egg for all things created. Like in genesis, the first act was the laying of the egg for the ball of the sun! Light was created first. From nature and the study of the pyramid I found PHI. Phi is a mathematical principle of how everything here in the below grows. I call it creation energy. It has to do with shape. The egg contains PHI. The shell of the egg is the same as any true pyramid, and shuck, any shell, all are designed in such a way as to contain PHI. Somehow it brings the powers of creation together in a certain fashion, and so we have generation and growth. This is the process man found that convinced him of God. Man though found how to continue the process, and so purify matter. It is not important that I use an egg. The egg is just convenient. To the ancients, as all things grew in this fashion and from this design, the belief that the earth also came from a similar process, and like the sun, from some sort of egg laid by the great cackler. What is important in the process, is to know that it needs an oven within an oven to work. This is why the earth was within heaven when created on the first day, and the firmament was created, and called heaven. In other words, the firmament and heaven mean the same thing. They look different but by the design both contain PHI, and so work the same. That is why an egg shell is the same as a true pyramid. That is how heaven was within the firmament in the creation. Now what is the most important thing for all to realize is this. The matters of the egg lets say was alive when we processed it. We killed it, we destroyed what it was and we processed it to the point of perfection using nature. Early man felt he had found how God could do the same to man after he lived and died!!!!!!!! Thus man and his rotten matters in the ground could be resurrected by God and so perfected by this same process man found. Man could be perfected, and go to heaven to live with God for eternity. You need to understand the perfection of the stone would be the same perfection given to man by God. That perfection man found he believed linked him directly to God, and so created that God for him. The only perfect thing is God, and as man found perfection in the process, he believed he had found and had proof of God!!!!! So, the process of the stone and the believed perfection led to all we know and hold dear today.
8. What and why is the pyramid involved? The pyramid is the perfect shape for gathering as the year progresses the forces to change the matters. It is the shape that works with nature. It is made of glass, and has been described as a never failing fountain. One must realize that for the pyramid to work correctly, the forces outside are always changing throughout the year. The pyramid only will work this process when it is understood, and those forces are brought to the egg in the correct fashion. That fashion though is the cycle we all know, and is Genesis repeated. In the northern hemisphere, the first day is when the sun starts its northern movement, Dec. 21. The third day of Genesis when the waters come together is spring, March 21, June is the sixth day, the last day in the northern hemisphere. We can say the man was created on this day as the garden was finished and man had plenty to eat. The sun then starts to recreate the southern hemisphere, all this is from the ancients that believed we had, “two earths.” That is how they described and understood how the two hemispheres were formed, and, it is how the system works actually. They only used and understood the “all” outside and made it a working process they found how to use for themselves. It is not their fault we never understood. In all of nature, the shape was found and worked to bring forth every year what we find outside. That all is recycled every year and a new “two earths “ is formed.
9. What does the stone of Philosophy do? The stone is said to be perfect, and so perfects what it touches. It is said to turn lead to gold. However, I have found that lead only meant an impure substance, and gold simply meant a pure substance to those of the past. The stone also is a medicine that is supposed to cure all ills that the man can have. It is to us a perfect medicine. Does it work? I have seen and saw found in several places of the earth tablets that said, “we had a medicine that cured all ills, and everyone was happy.” I still have not found ancient writings that said the metal gold was turned to the metal gold. In the near future we will know if this is true or not, or what is true of an of it. The description of the stone, how it processes, the colors it goes through, all are included in the picture on the cover of my book. This is what I have seen, and this is what I have found. The information you need to know to work this process is found within my work, and all steps are explained and connected to astrology, to Genesis, and to the religion of Osiris. It is not easy to do, it is a 16 month process where many things can go wrong as it is totally done outside. It is about Art, or conditions of Genesis controlled. Loose the conditions or change them and you loose the stone. It will only work one way, but that way in the near future many all over the world will be doing, and many will have the knowledge and the stone.
10. What is the goal of my book? I have spent most of my life working out this process. I have tried to give it away but I only received back laughs! I so published my work so those that can see and think clearly can find and understand their past. This information I believe belongs to all of us, and should be known again. I am sure there is much more to learn, and will be found. I am sure there is great benefit for mankind with this process and understanding. I as of yet don’t have all the answers, but they will come from all reading and knowing this material. Look at the picture and understand the matter goes through many steps of purification. I have seen and done this, what will it do? Consider.