

The NMARES Club holds a weekly informal NET on Monday evenings at 7:30PM on the Clubs NM7E 2-meter (145.17MHz) repeater with a tone of -103.5. With, Fred KG7WEQ as NET Control.

There is also an informal 10-meter NET on USB 28.450 MHz held every Tuesday at 7:30PM. If 28.450 MHz is busy, try up or down 5 KHz. The net is open to anyone who wants to chat. Bill, AE7CG serves as net control as he can hear most of the participants. Most stations cannot hear everyone so keep working on those antennas for better coverage. Feel free to take NET Control if you desire when Bill is absent. Or just throw your call sign out and see if someone else is also monitoring.

The MC-ARC holds multiple NETS on the N7SK 2-meter (146.72 MHz) repeater with a tone of -103.5, as follows:

First Sunday of each month is the Mason County ARES check in at 7:00 PM
Informal NETS on held on Sundays and Wednesdays at 7:30PM.

*** All Licensed Amateur Radio Operators are welcome on our NETS.***

You DO NOT need to be a member of the NMARES Club or ARES to participate in our NETS.

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