The official name of this organization shall be, U.S. SUBMARINE VETERANS – RV’ERS. The name may be shortened to, U.S.SUB VETS – RV’ers or Sub Vets RV’ers. The organization will be a national organization in scope and will not come under the control or supervision of any other organization. The principal office address shall be that of a current designated officer, normally the Secretary. 


  The purpose of this organization shall be to provide members with information on RV parking at U.S. Submarine functions and to insure that the chairman of each U.S. Submarine function is aware of the needs of U.S. SUB VETS – RV’ers attending the function. To provide opportunities for the membership to enjoy good fellowship and pleasant use of their RV’s by disseminating information to the membership. This will include but not be limited to members offering other members overnight RV parking at their homes while traveling through their area.


  SECTION A: Membership in this organization shall be open to any U.S. Submarine Force member, members of United States Submarine Veterans WWII or United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Members of the U.S. SUB VETS – RV’ers shall not be required to be a member of any other organization but membership in the U.S. Sub Vets WWII or USSVI is encouraged. SECTION B: Each membership includes only husband, wife and any children living with them. Membership is for one year unless the Life Membership option is elected.

SECTION C: All annual memberships expire August 15th. Members still in arrears sixty (60) days beyond August 15th shall be removed from the rolls. Notice to renew memberships will be in the form of a reminder in the newsletter.

 SECTION D: Annual membership dues shall be Ten dollars ($10.00) per year payable by August 15th of the current year. Advance dues may be paid at any time during the year. Lifetime dues will be Thirty dollars ($30.00) plus Ten dollars ($10.00) first year dues for a total of Forty dollars ($40.00). 


SECTION A: The officers of this organization shall be:

a.       President

b.      Vice President

c.       Secretary

d.      Treasurer

e.       Wagon Master

 SECTION B: A nominating committee will be appointed by the President to establish a slate of officers to be presented to the membership at the annual meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted.

SECTION C: Officers shall be elected at an annual business meeting of the organization. Officers elected shall assume office at the close of the business meeting and shall serve until the close of the next annual business meeting.SECTION D: In the event of a vacancy occurring due to death or other incapacity, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the President and approved by the other officers.



(a)    Shall preside at all meetings of the organization, enforce the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization, appoint any committees, fill any vacancies occurring and have such powers as normally pertain to the principal office holder.


(a)    Shall assist the President and act as President in his absence. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President due to death or other incapacity of that officer assume those duties and appoint a new Vice President as prescribed in Article IV, Section D of these Constitution and By-Laws.

(b)   Shall insure that information is sent to the Secretary and Newsletter Editor about any activities that will involve U.S. SUB VETS – RV’ers for publication in the organization’s newsletter. At a minimum the location of the activity, cost and what facilities are available.


(a)    Shall attend to all correspondence, keep a current roster of all members and record the minutes of all meetings.

(b)   Shall issue membership cards, decals and patches to all new members as part of a welcome aboard package. Issue annual membership cards upon a payment of annual or lifetime dues. Ensure an accurate up-to-date roster is maintained.

(c)    Maintain and make available a “STOP AND VISIT” list.


(a)    Shall receive all contributions and dues depositing them in a bank or other suitable financial institute of choice.

(b)   Shall keep all financial records of the organization and make them available for inspection upon request.

(c)    Shall sell U.S. SUB VETS – RV’ers patches as well as pay all authorized and approved expenses.

(d)   Shall give a complete financial report at the business meeting of the organization.

(e)    Shall upon relieve deliver to his successor all organization’s books, monies and properties of the organization in his possession.


(a)    Shall work with the Chairman or Coordinator of any U.S. Submarine function to ensure adequate accommodations are available for U.S. SUB VETS – RV’ers.

(b)   Shall keep the Vice President, Secretary and Newsletter Editor advised of accommodations and cost for U.S. SUB VETS – RV’ers at U.S. Submarine functions for which the Wagon Master is responsible as well as directions to such function.


 SECTION A: The business meeting of the organization will normally be held during the National Convention of the U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII or United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. as determined by a vote of the membership.SECTION B: Social gatherings may be held at any time in conjunction with other U.S. Submarine functions or activities such as regional rallies.


  SECTON A: The President shall appoint all committees necessary to promote general interest and to provide benefits for participating members and to ensure successful operation of the organization during the ensuing year. SECTION B: All committees shall consist of a Chairman and as many members that it is deemed necessary to accomplish the task of the committee. The committee chair shall report either orally or in writing to the Vice President in sufficient time to publish applicable information to the membership.


 SECTION A: The rules of the parliamentary practice contained in the “ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER; Revised Edition” shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable except when they are inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.


1.      Call to order.

2.      Ensure all have signed sailing list.

3.      Introduce guest.

4.      Reading and acceptance of minutes from previous meeting.

5.      Reading and acceptance of Treasurer’s report.

6.      Reports of Officers:

      a.       President

      b.      Vice President

      c.       Secretary (correspondence and membership)

      d.      Treasurer

      e.       Wagon master

7.  Committee reports.

8.  Old Business.

9.  New Business.

10.  Election of Officers.

11.  Installation of New Officers.

12.  Good of the Order

13.  Adjournment.


SECTION A: Proposed amendments to these Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted to the Secretary in writing.

SECTION B: The proposed amendment, in its final form shall be sent to each member in the last newsletter prior to the organization’s business meeting. SECTION C: Such proposed amendments shall automatically be an item on the business meeting agenda and disposed of by a vote of the membership.SECTION D: Voting by the membership may be in the form of mail in ballots, E-mail ballots, voting in person at meeting or by phone. Only members in good standing will have a vote. SECTION D: Amendments passed by a fifty-one percent (51%) affirmative vote of those members voting will take effect immediately. 

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