USS Sterlet

Pictures of the ship, crew and events over the years.

Branson 2009

367 images

Columbus 2004

12 images

Crew 52-59

52 images

Eternal Patrol

78 images

First Reunion

246 images

San Diego 2007

223 images

Unknown Crew

35 images

WWII crew pics

117 images


41 images

Tucson Reunion

189 images

Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-B400 crank2a floozy4a makinrate relax rgw1
smoker swimcall2 swimcall3 tipton1 who1 whos4
Charlie Katz and Ron Wagner.  Feb 1968 in Fwd Engine Room. Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-1989 Reunion 1989 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Acrut u0 1 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-ARIZONA MEMORIAL FROM PH SHIPYARD 65 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Barker and Olmstead with Sterlet Flag Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Bettencourts drawing of Sterlet War Flag
Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Bob Barker Finnegan Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Bob Barker on batrfish Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-cameron multiple Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-CAMERON Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Cora and Gentry 2007 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Cora Don 07
Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-DeepEnough2002 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Distinguised crew 43 45 001 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Distinguised crew 43 45 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-escape tank Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-groups 001 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-IM001364
Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-IMG 0006 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Nashville reunion picture 3 219 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Nashville reunion picture 3 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Olmsteads on Gen Jackson Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Operation Hardtack 1 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Operation Hardtack 2
Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Pickerel1 1 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-sTERLET GUNS Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Sterlet Kegolater Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-SterletinSPoleTunnelDec2005 001 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-SterletwWillyCrewNov1993 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-SubBaseRoad1a 1
Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-TommyandMeganwSterletatPole 001 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-TommyandMeganwSterletatWillyFieldNov1993 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Yokuska at night 1 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-Yokuska at night 2 Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-zeke in snow Miscellaneouse pictures of crew and events of the USS STERLET SS392-zekentitled